Looking For Right Facebook Marketing Strategies? Here Are The Tips Just For You! – Best Digital Agency In Karachi – MMK

Looking For Right Facebook Marketing Strategies? Here Are The Tips Just For You!

Facebook is easily the biggest and most important Social Media Network available right now. With almost 2 billion users online every day, you simply can’t afford to ignore the powerhouse that is the Facebook empire. What’s even more exciting, is not just the number of users that Facebook has on a day-to-day basis, but the tools that Facebook gives you to reach out to millions of people. It’s just so fascinating cause it makes your business growth even easier. To grow using the massive power of Facebook and use it correctly for your business, you first need to understand the right Facebook Marketing Strategies, Tips, and Tools that are gonna help your business in the long run. So, without further ado, let’s talk about what those are!

The Personal Page Is Important For Any Brand Representative

When most people think about Facebook, the Personal page is normally the first thing that comes to mind. But the General Public people outside of marketing and outside of business. don’t know how much facebook helps you with Facebook tools. Maybe aside from messenger and the odd Facebook ad that pops up on their newsfeed, to them, the Facebook personal page is just the main page that you see when you first log in and with what you signed up. It’s typically your name and it’s the page you use to connect with friends or with family. It’s not your business page as you can’t run ads through it. The personal page might look obsolete in terms of business aspects but here’s the deal as it’s also one of the most effective ways to connect with your network and to build your business, especially if you’re just getting starting your business.

The core strategy is that you can post carefully with planning on your page about your business, without spamming, and repetitive. Just let people know what you do through a variety of scheduled posts.
The other reason that makes your Personal Facebook Page just so effective all comes down to the Almighty Facebook Algorithm, Which is just essentially the system behind what Facebook shows and to who. It can show your stuff to others through its Algorithm too. That’s why, Facebook Personal pages are still one of the places from where you can have decent organic reach, meaning you can create content on your page and it has a pretty good chance of getting shown to your friends and your family.

Your Business Page Is Your Core Business Identity!

The next tool that Facebook gives you is the Facebook Business Page. Now here’s the deal with these Facebook Business Pages. If you have a business, you need a Facebook Business Page period. Now, the beauty of the Facebook Business Page is that it gives you access to a whole new set of tools that just aren’t available through your Page. Things like putting in your Business Address, as well as Running Ads, unlike your page however which should be largely personal with a little bit of Business while your Business Page should be large, if not completely, Business. Now, this doesn’t mean you are boring and hammering your audience with offer after offer just trying to get them to buy something. No, it means keeping your content on key and large business-focused or business-related with things that your customers or clients would find useful or interesting. The people that follow your page are going to be interested in you, whereas people that follow your Business Page, may be interested in you probably more interested in what your business can do.

Now, when you first start a Business Page, you’re gonna have all of Zero Followers with no audience present, so you may be tempted to spend some money on ads to build up your followers but just to remind you, a simple change from Facebook Algorithm can immediately destroy pretty much all of the reaches that was coming from the Page ads. This is a tested method as over time, things do change and your business must be ready with a better new approach every time. The most prominent and long-lasting way would be to rather try to build it up organically. Mention it through your website, through your email subscriptions, newsletter, and also let your Facebook Business Page followers be a byproduct of any ads that you run and then create relevant content when you have found your most suited audience.

Why Not Try Facebook Stories?

Facebook stories might be the most fun, lighthearted and casual way to share any kind of quick moments or behind the scenes going on of your Business. Now stories can either be vertical videos or quick pictures shot from your phone and they only last 24 hours. The cool and amazing thing about Stories is that they have stickers, effects, and different emojis which enlightens the user experience with joy and fun.
When it comes to Facebook Stories the key is just to use them efficiently and use them often once a day many times, depending on your business, depending on your market, and depending on your audience. The great thing about stories though and why they do need to be a part of your marketing is that they’re a little more real, raw, lovely, and authentic, giving the user an attractive and pleasant experience. It is also fast and fun, really easy to make like just grab your phone, snap a quick picture or shoot a quick video, and pretty much done.

Go Live With Your Audience!

Facebook live, just like Instagram live or Youtube live (Or any live), is a live streaming platform meaning you can create Live videos from your phone or your desktop and broadcast them out, either on your Page or your Business Page and in any group that you’re a part of or own. Going live is an effective way to show your true personality and engagingly connect with your audience, after all, It’s Live like you can’t edit that stuff out. That’s also why it freaks people out but rest assured your audience will love it. You can go live from your phone or you can set up an entire live streaming studio from your desktop computer and go completely bananas just from any simple setup! The choice is totally up to you. The point though here is that if you can find the courage to go live then, don’t be afraid to start small from your phone and work your way up. From there, it’s just bonkers and engaging, as it is a very powerful and effective marketing tool if used right!

Chat with your prospects instantly through Messenger!

If you don’t use Facebook Messenger, your just making your life way harder than it should be. This tool is just outright convenient and efficient as it is favored by many people. Not only it gives you the ability to reach out and message people directly, much like a text or SMS, but done instantaneously through the Facebook Platform. Just like with the going live feature, you can do this through both your Personal or Business Pages. There are some advantages to using your business page, being that you can incorporate more software like a Chatbot, which can do some initial filtering and heavy lifting of the ongoing conversations to sort and segment while guiding the people where they need to go.
There’s also now the ability to message your Instagram audience through Facebook Messenger because Facebook owns Instagram. The cool thing about Messenger though isn’t just the accessibility and things like that but also all of the tools, features, and the kind of nifty things that it gives you. You can, of course, send emojis, stickers, and gifs too but you can also send audio messages, as well as my favorite Video messages. Most importantly is to put yourself in your customer’s or your client’s shoes, being empathetic to the way that they want to communicate with you and with your business as a lot of people prefer chatting through messenger.

Facebook Groups

Now Facebook groups were and still are an incredibly powerful feature that Facebook gives you to build a community of like-minded individuals around a certain topic or interest or business and there are Facebook groups out there for pretty much everything you can think of. But when it comes to marketing with Facebook groups, you have just three different options.

Free Facebook Groups:

Option one is a Free Facebook group. the strategy behind creating your own free Facebook Group is essentially you create a group. You don’t charge anything for people to join and you use it to generate leads, foster connection, build engagement and rapport with members of your group. Free Facebook groups can work amazingly well, but they are very niche and industry-specific. So you want to be careful to make sure that your Business best aligns with offering a free Facebook group. Plus, they take a ton of time, energy and if not carefully planned, then it might not work as you expect it to be as. This is why I consider a free Facebook group more of an intermediate strategy.

Paid Facebook Groups:

The next option is a Paid Facebook group. Now by this, I don’t mean that you’re paying Facebook to have a group. Rather, your members or clients or your customers are paying you, and as a benefit, they get access to a group. You can use this as a standalone membership community or you can use it as a value add to your current products or services. The content strategy inside of a Paid Group is of course quite different than that inside of a Free group because People paid to be in there so it better be good.

Public Facebook Groups:

The third option is other people’s Facebook groups and this is by far my least favorite strategy of all. I’d even go so far as to say that I don’t recommend this at all. Now, it did use to work quite a few years ago, when Facebook groups were still relatively new and not every single person had tried spamming and just sleazed their way out of this strategy. There’s an expression that marketers ruin everything and it’s kind of true because, as soon as something works, everybody does it, and then it stops working. Well going into Public Facebook groups providing bomb posts that had no worth or value, then trying to get people to direct message you and siphon off from the group.
Again, It used to be an effective strategy, but now people know what’s going on. So, if anyone tells you that it’s a great marketing strategy today. That’s just straight-up bad advice. It makes you look unprofessional, not formal and nobody would even consider working with you ever. Always create valuable content, engage with your groupmates, respond to helpful advice and be useful but don’t make it your primary marketing means to grow your business. Just let any business-boosting networking or relationships that come from it, be a nice secondary byproduct for you.

Target Your Audience Through Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads. They are probably one of the most desired tools for so many users that Facebook gives you to promote your business and one like millions, I’ve been using for the past decade, but it wasn’t till recently when retargeting ads came out and it was a game-changer. The Facebook ad, even still to this day, is one of the most cost-effective and strategic marketing uses available to you right now. But what makes Facebook Ads so special isn’t just the fact that they’re giving you access to Facebook’s massive audience database, but rather the targeting, placements, and creative capabilities that you have to create high converting ads. Facebook Ads are great and you should be looking at them as a part of your marketing strategy.

However, like all advertising, they’re not a magic bullet but rather they are used as an accelerator. Meaning, if you have a very good business with a good offer, clear messaging, an ideal target market that’s clearly defined. Then well, Facebook Ads are going to enable you to accelerate your business and amplify the results. It’s true for the polar opposite too, if you happen to have a questionable product or service with an unproven offer, which isn’t converting at all then Facebook Ads are only going to make it fail faster.

This is why the very key to the concept towards success to creating high converting Facebook Ads, always comes back to the basics of strategy and planning. First, identify who exactly it is that you’re trying to reach. Focus on their demographic details (age, gender, income, occupation, geographic details like city, state or province, the country they live in, etc.) and on psychographic details (values, lifestyles, interests, behaviors, likes, etc). You need to dive even deeper and try to figure out your market’s biggest, Its pains, problems, fears, and frustrations so you can craft an effective Ad copy that delivers an excellent conveying message. It’s only then that, you get to decide where you want your Facebook Ad to appear and what you want it to look like. Admittedly, it’s kind of complicated stuff but learning it and getting it right is an absolute game-changer for your Business!

Some Tools Worth Mentioning

Although we just talked about major business tools above right now. There are some tools worth mentioning, that might be used soon for your business. Who knows? It’s better to get the gist of it. Well, without wasting time, let’s start this list:

Facebook Watch

The Facebook watch is a feature. that you may or may not have even heard of. The Facebook watch is kind of like Facebook’s version of Youtube, but without the cool search features and only available to some people. It’s also kind of like Netflix cause it has its original shows but except it’s Facebook here as it’s still kind of hard to categorize. Regardless, it’s worth paying attention to. It’s hard to say when they’re going to open up access to more creators and what kind of reach and exposure they’re going to permit other businesses to have so it’s best to forget it unless you’re a massive business with a multi-million dollar marketing budget.

Facebook Portal

Facebook Portal is a smart video conference device, essentially letting you live video chat with your Facebook friends and have some other cool features like letting you listen to music, check your front door or look through your photos from a Business perspective. However, It’s tough to say how or when this will be fully incorporated. That said, it does let you do video calls from Messenger or Whatsapp, so you could use it to connect with your clients or customers and you can use the portal’s camera to go live anytime. So, if you want to do a Facebook live you’ve got that option too. Now here, what’s most interesting is that it has AR or Augmented Reality features, which gives you some pretty cool and pretty interesting features which right now are available on the portal but may soon be incorporated into other Facebook products over time.

Virtual Reality

Let’s take a look at VR or Virtual reality and Facebook’s move into that world with oculus. Facebook acquired Oculus, which produces virtual reality headsets back in 2014 for 2.3 billion dollars. So clearly, they believe in the future of virtual reality. That said, we’re still a long way away from virtual reality. VR is becoming a part of our everyday lives, I mean just think about how many people you know, spend at least an hour a day using virtual reality technology. I’m willing to bet not many, maybe not even one but that doesn’t mean that it’s not going to become more dominant and more relevant in the future. So again, It’s worth knowing about it for now.

So How Can You Start Crafting the Perfect Facebook Marketing Strategies?

So up to this point, we’ve covered the big ones like, the products and services that Facebook has to offer that you can use to craft the perfect Facebook marketing strategy. But we’re not quite done yet because there are still a couple more platforms you need to be aware of if you truly want to dominate the Facebook Platform. We’ve may have covered a lot so far, but there is something we want to make clear that you do not and should not use all at once. Rather, create the best proper plans, strategies and be highly selective about the tools and services that best align with you, your business, your customers, and most importantly your goal. Use the best and Ignore the rest! Sounds like a tagline. So with that said, here are a couple more Facebook Services that could help you. You’re probably familiar with them already but it’s still important to understand that they all fall under the Facebook Umbrella.


The first off is Instagram from Facebook. Yes, Facebook owns Instagram. Meaning, If you want to run an Instagram ad, you need to do it through the Facebook ads manager plus, many of the algorithm changes we’ve seen with facebook well, largely apply to Instagram as well. Yes they’re different platforms and they have a different vibe, style, and aesthetic, but a lot of the algorithm, math, and logic behind it are the same. The key though, is with over 1 Billion users Instagram is an amazing way to reach a slightly younger demographic.


Next up Whatsapp, also from Facebook. Now there’s a lot of similarities between Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp, like a lot. Both are owned by Facebook, Both allow you to chat with friends. But, the biggest difference is that Facebook Messenger is more closely aligned with your Facebook Profile, whereas Whatsapp is more closely aligned with your Phone and the contacts in there.

All right, so now that you’ve got a good handle on Facebook Marketing. Make sure to practice and find the best crafting recipe for your Marketing success! If you have questions regarding Instagram Marketing and its structure, check out the link below right here on Instagram Marketing. With that, I bid you adieu, till next time on MMK!


MMK Media & Graphics (Pvt.) Ltd.

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  1. StarfireDirect
    January 6, 2022 Reply

    Great content! Keep up the good work!

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